Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Yellow Dog Blogs!

My mommie has been slacking off on her blogging. She's taking too long to find a topic that she wants to write about and she's been busy with a lot of things. Her co-worker Auntie Heather told her one day that she has to write something about me however, my mommie's too darn lazy these days so I figured I would hijack her laptop and write the blog myself. Hehehehehe....

First off, let me introduce myself. If I'm going to be a permanent fixture on my mommie's blog, you definitely need to know about me. :) My name is Jack. I am 16 months old. My birth certificate says that I am a purebred male yellow labrador retriever and I was born on October 5, 2004. My doggie daddy is a black labrador and my doggie mommie is a yellow lab. I have 8 siblings. My mommie and daddy picked me out of the litter because I was the fattest and the cutest puppy!

My mommie originally wanted to call me Max however when she saw my sweet face, she changed her mind and thought that my face was too sweet and Max was too tough of a name for me. I did not have a name for about a day or so. My mommie and daddy had a list of names that they were trying out but they could not agree on a name for me until one day, while watching a TV show that had the tick tick boom boom music and a clock ticking all the way up to 24 on the screen, they decided to call me Jack after this guy called Jack Bauer. You know, it's confusing for me sometimes since these voices on the TV keep on calling this guy Jack and I keep on thinking that they're calling me. I come over to the TV and try to sniff their butts to figure out if I know them or not and they don't even say hello to me. Such snobs!

I was about 8 weeks old and weighed 12 lbs when I first came to live with my mommie and my daddy. Lately I have been eating a lot and I sort of just grew big but I am not fat or anything. I have big bones and huge feet. I am just a big lab. My mommie could no longer carry me and both her and my daddy complain whenever I step on them. My mommie says that I am no longer a lap dog and I can only put my head on her lap but not sit on her lap because I'm too heavy. Last time I went to the vet, I weighed 93 lbs. Pretty impressive, eh? BUT I am still pretty much a puppy. I think like a puppy and behave like a puppy because I am a puppy and will be one until I am about 3 years old.

You can say I am an educated dog. I have graduated from Pet Smart's Doggie Kindergarten Class and the Advanced class. I know how to do the following:
  1. sit
  2. down
  3. stand
  4. stay (sometimes)
  5. heel (sometimes)
  6. train my mommie and daddy to let me out the back door when I want to go out by scratching on the nearest door
  7. give my daddy this stare when I want another scoop of that tasty dog food
  8. high five
  9. give me five
  10. kiss my mommie (sometimes when I feel like it --she says I'm stingy with my kisses)
I am a highly motivated dog as long as you have food with you. I will do anything for food! If you don't have food and you want me to do something, my mommie says that I have selective hearing.

I own a basket full of tennis balls bought from Costco. It helps a lot that I have scattered the balls all over the house since it's easier for me to look for them once my mommie or my daddy tells me to go get my ball. Aside from tennis balls, I go crazy over my duck. It quacks whenever I bite down on it. It does not fly or run away from me. I think it likes when I play with it. However, it has been replaced several times since once in a while, I try to tear it apart and it starts spilling its guts out -- not good at all since my mommie takes it away from me and puts it in the garbage bin. Poor duckie. My mommie buys me a lot of toys. Lately, she bought me this frisbee shaped toy. I think the thing is broken. It does not fly at all! All it does is go in circles on the floor for about 2 hours when it is turned on and is very noisy. My mommie calls it Roomba. She absolutely loves the thing since it seems to be sucking all of the hair that I shed on the floor. I keep on wondering whether it is my toy or her toy. I have yet to figure this one out. I love toys however, I would really love to have one of my daddy's socks but he yells and screams at me whenever I go in the closet and borrow one of them. I love how it smells. ;)

My mommie is now telling me to go peepee and poopoo outside since we're going to bed pretty soon so I have to go now. I promise I will be back to tell you more... :)

Until then.

Love lots,
Jack the yellow lab
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Tata said...

Not good at writing, eh. A beautiful, creative entry u have here :) unless ur dog really did the writing. if so, i should give him the credit then bwahaha :) Nice one Carms :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jack! Wooof wooof rrruuff arf bowwowwwowwowwww! (that's 'doggie style' for "not a bad blog for a dog!") ;-)