Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I would suck as a...

Ever wonder what your profession would've been if you're not doing what you are currently doing?

I thought it would be good to compile a list of jobs and write down a reason why it was such a good thing that I didn't go into that profession.

I would suck as a SINGER
Considering I am off key most of the time. I sound the same in every song that I sing when I am in the shower. It starts raining when I sing. Heck, I even have a hard time talking! I'd rather listen to music and let the pros do their job. I don't take criticism so well. I do have utmost respect for people in the arts -- no matter how good they are, someone is bound to criticize them but they still keep on going. The world would be a sad place if they stopped performing.

I would suck as a CONCERT PIANIST
Yes, I was sent to piano lessons since I was about 8 years old till I was 15. I swear to you, I never memorized a single piece. It was pathetic! I managed not to go to any recital in 7 years! I am amazed at how I managed to do it. I think I eneded up chatting more with my piano teacher than actually playing the piano, so yes, I would definitely suck at this.

I would suck as a TAXI DRIVER
I am pretty bad when it comes to directions. I always manage to get myself and my hubby lost whenever I navigate. I can read a map (I think!) although I have a hard time trying to figure out which way the map should be facing. I know, there's the GPS now however, how many taxis have you seen that are equipped with a GPS?

I would suck as a GOLFER
I admit, I have a full set of clubs somewhere in our garage. Only the 7 iron has been used. That's the only club that I can actually hit the ball with. Plus, I could not find the logic behind hitting a ball and then running around trying to look for it. Anyone want a full set of clubs?

I don't think I can keep a smile on my face if someone is yelling at me. I would be so tempted to yell back. I like to be the one doing the yelling and not the one getting yelled at. It's amazing that 2 weeks have passed and I haven't yelled at any of the vendors that we're working with. It used to be a daily occurence. Some of the products just suck big time!

I would suck as an ACCOUNTANT
I can't even balance my own checkbook. I had one accounting class in college and I almost flunked it. I can't do my own taxes (I'd rather pay someone to do my taxes). I can't count money. But one thing's for sure, I CAN spend money.

I would suck as a WRITER
I can't stick to one topic. I'm probably not feeling well if I did. Plus I can't think of anything really interesting to write about except stuff that I have here in my blog. Writing an essay that's at least 1000 on one topic in college was torture for me. I go off on different tangents. I tend to rant and blabber so being a writer is out of the picture.

I think I am convinced that there is nothing else in this world that I can do aside from my current line of work. I've been working in IT for about 9 years now. I love what I do. I love the different challenges that I face in my job.

I am such a geek...


Tata said...

Hey! :)

U would suck as a writer, huh? I doubt it! :p :) What u have here is proof that you're good at it :p

Just posted a pic of my baby. there are lots more to come. Just that i had just returned to work and lots of things to do but i'll find the time, soonest :)

really happy that ur blogging now :) i'll link ur page to mine sometime :)

Leah said...

Yes, I agree, you're a good writer my friend. Press on!