Sunday, January 28, 2007

Legally Blonde The Musical

I didn't have any high expectations for this show since it's on previews and it's one of those movie to musical adaptations which I'm not really a big fan of.

I have to admit, I actually enjoyed watching the show. It was cute. :) Laura Bell Bundy's singing and acting was pretty good in my opinion. There were some scenes which were a little bit long which I'm assuming would be cut a bit shorter once it gets to Broadway. I love the overture -- it was loud, catchy and the length was enough to quiet down the audience. The song Omigod You Guys is now stuck in my head.

I should've bought that pink omigod! t-shirt!

Monday, January 22, 2007

My Theatre Season

.....has finally started!

I went to watch Jersey Boys (on tour) here in San Francisco. The theatre was packed! I love the music. The story was a little bit slow for me. The talent was great.

Next stop is Legally Blonde (previews) also here in SF. Will be watching it this coming Sunday. I don't really have high expectations for it since it's on its pre-Broadway run.

Anyways, I'm going to be in NY in 2 weeks. Looking forward to that trip. I have several shows that I really want to watch.

Friday, January 19, 2007

I'm an Aunt!

My brother and his wife had a baby a few days ago.

This is my niece Clarisse. Born January 17, 2007. My mom keeps on saying that she looks like me when I was a baby. My brother says she has my nose. My husband doesn't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that she has my nose..... hehehehe.......

She's a cutie, isn't she?