Friday, September 21, 2007

Las Vegas

Yes, I'm at SFO again typing up this blog. I'm off to Las Vegas for 9 days for the SANS Network Security Conference.

I'm definitely racking up United mileage this month.

I really am in serious need of a vacation. Although the last thing I want to do right now is to actually get on a plane and go somewhere. I just want to stay home.

Anyways, Vegas should be interesting. I haven't really made any plans. Maybe I'll check out one of the newer Cirque du Soliel shows there.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Chorus Line

I decided to just get it over with and go watch this show. I've been sitting on the edge and kind of pushing back watching this. Well, since I'm running out of shows to watch, I had to go see it. Plus it's a classic and won the best musical and the Pulitzer prize and ran for 15 years on Broadway.

It was okay. I just feel that something's missing in this production (revival). When the cast performs as one (chorus line), it's quite good. However, when it starts focusing on individual characters during the show, it's kind of lacking. It doesn't have the umph that should be there. I had a hard time connecting with the characters in the show.

An understudy (Jessica Lea Patty) played Cassie's role tonight. I wanted to see Charlotte d'Ambroise since she was nominated in the Tonys for this role. Well, Jessica Lea Patty did not disappoint. She was one of the standouts in the cast.

The finale was pretty impressive though!

A Chorus Line at the Tonys

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Yep, you read it correctly. Xanadu -- a place where nobody dare to go... Seriously, it is a musical and it is on Broadway.

I've read positive reviews of the show so I decided to go see it.

You might ask, how could I possibly enjoy a musical that's based on the worst movie musical ever made in history? LOL! Well, it's campy, it's cheesy but oh so much fun! I had such a GREAT time watching this show! It's that one show that you take with a tongue in cheek attitude. They made fun of the movie, themselves and musical theatre. I guess that's why a lot of people actually like it.

The movie came out in 1980 so I vaguely remember anything about the movie. Now, I gotta go see it since I think they had a lot of references to the movie.

Kerry Butler is wonderful as Kira/Clio. She perfectly channeled Olivia Newton-John in her performance. Wonderful comedic timing. Wonderful voice. When she sings, you just want to listen and you don't want her to stop singing. She's in roller skates and leg warmers almost all night long.

Cheyenne Jackson
is such a hottie! Very good singing voice as well.

I think this show is really well cast. The band sounds amazing as well. It's one of those shows that it's either you don't like it or you absolutely LOVE it!

I can't get the song "Suddenly" out of my head. Yep, this is show is starting to become one of my guilty pleasures. ;)

Check out the synopsis from the show's website:

Show preview on (need a fast connection or click pause and let it load): Xanadu preview from Broadway World

Also check out this performance of Suddenly at Bryant Park. The girl is Kerry Butler but the guy is not Cheyenne Jackson.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I saw Raul Esparza in Company last year and I really thought he was going to win the Tonys. Well, he lost to David Hyde Pierce. That's pretty much the reason why I wanted to see Curtains. I wanted to see David Hyde Pierce's performance.

I can see now why David Hyde Pierce won the award. Raul is an awesome singer. However, the award isn't for the best singer. It's an award for the Best Actor in a Musical. David Hyde Pierce is a really good actor!

The show itself was good. I went in there with low expectations since it didn't really get high reviews when it first opened a few months ago.

Really notable performances by Debra Monk and Karen Zeimbra.

You can find a synopsis of the show from their website at

Here's a clip from the show as well. This was during the Tony awards.

Monday, September 10, 2007

NYC Again

I'm back in NYC this week. I seriously cannot remember how many times I've been to NY this year alone.

Anyways, I'm hear for my Storage Area Networks class (yep, something geeky).

Weather's nice but the tourists are gone. Yay! shorter lines at TKTS -- where I go to get half priced theatre tickets on the day of performance. Almost all the shows, well, except for Wicked and Jersey Boys are up on the TKTS board so I've been able to watch the shows that I haven't seen before.

No running for me this week. I just don't have the time or feel like running when I'm traveling especially when I'm here in NY. Theatre comes first! ;) My miles on Nike+ this month are all going to be walking miles.

I'm back home on Saturday but flying to Las Vegas on Friday for 9 days to attend the SANS Security Conference there.