Friday, March 09, 2007

Wisdom No More

I had all of my wisdom teeth pulled out yesterday. Yes, ouch! Not exactly a fun thing to be doing on a Thursday afternoon but they had to come out.

Normally, do I not have any anxiety issues, however I told my dentist that if she was going to pull all of them out, I was going to freak out. She gave me a prescription for Ativan and told me to take 2 an hour before I went there or I might chicken out and not get there at all. Arvin took me the the dentist. When I got there, my dentist asked me if I felt like I had been drinking Margaritas all morning long. I told her, I didn't even feel a bit woozy after 2 Ativans and asked her if she could put me on the laughing gas because I really did not want to care at all!

This was the first time that I have actually been on the laughing gas. I've never taken any illegal drugs all my life so I think yesterday was the closest feeling that I would ever have to being "HIGH". The feeling was very weird you felt like you were floating. Had this warm fuzzy feeling and I really didn't feel much or care about anything. In the beginning, I was actually fighting it not wanting to relinquish "full" control to being under the nitrous oxide. I am a control freak so it was not easy give up that type of control. I was pretty conscious during the entire procedure except when it was time for the last teeth to come out. I remember telling my dentist that I feel sleepy. Anyways, I felt so relaxed that I was even joking that if Arvin took me to the BMW dealership, I would probably sign anything. I also said that if I went shopping right then and there, I would buy everything in sight. hehehehehe....

I was out for 22 hours after I left my dentist's office, thanks to the Ativan, Nitrous Oxide and Vicodin. Woke up, drank a shake and my meds and went back to sleep. I'm barely lucid right now. Just took my drugs again and waiting for it to kick in. Anyways, whatever happens in the next couple of days, really would not care much. Plus, I'm of no use, I not longer have any widom left..... ;)