Sunday, September 24, 2006


I was a little bit skeptical when I first stepped into Disneyland this morning. I was worried the allure of the happiest place on earth is gone for me because I have decided to grow up. I can no longer remember how many times we’ve visited Disneyland. I expected that my husband and I were going to be bored since it’s the same-o same-o rides and we’ve been on them in the past.

I actually had fun today. I think Arvin did too. I can’t say that it took me back to my childhood since the first time I ever visited Disneyland was when I was 24. Sure, the characters were all familiar and part of my childhood.

The rides were great. I was screaming my head off on the rides and I must’ve gotten Arvin temporarily deaf from all that screaming. I’ve been always afraid of rides that drop but he had me get on those. My favorite rides were the Tower of Terror, California Screamin and Space Mountain.

** I never got to post this. Wrote this while we were in Anaheim last week (Sept. 17th), never got to finish it. I really wanted to finish it and post it so here it is.


Anonymous said...

i hate you!!! hehehe... i've never been to disneyland... don't know if i ever will... oh, well...

Carmila said...

lol... it's okay. not that great really. once you've seen one theme park, you've seen them all. i like the rides at six flags better...

Anonymous said...

does enchanted kingdom count? hehehe... i'm happy for you carms.. living the life you've always wanted. more luck to you. mwah!