Monday, April 24, 2006

More of Nothing

Dallas, Day 5:

It's my 5th day in Dallas and Murphy is still screwing around with me. I'm supposed to be going home tomorrow. Everything supposed to be already done but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... Murphy had to screw things up.

My favorite word is NOTHING on this trip. NOTHING is working. NOTHING is done. There is NOTHING to see and NOTHING to do in this city. NOTHING I can do but extend my stay for 2 more days and see more of NOTHING.

Yeah, I am bitter so back off and let me be.


Tata said...

So who's Murphy again? hehehe just teasing you Carms :) hope everything will sort itself out pretty soon :)

Carmila said...

I wish I knew how to find him so that I can punch him in the face myself. The nerve of him to actually make that law!