Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Getting Old

I am getting old!

I will be chastised by my friends who are older than me when and if they see this. Almost all of my friends are older than me. I am considered as the baby in the group. At work, I am the youngest person in our group in the SF office (but the most senior Systems Admin! Yay me!)

Why do I feel that I am getting old? Bear with me, it's not easy to accept this fact. The little girl inside me is 13. She's in here somewhere...

I seem to be in a list mood tonight so here's another list stating all the reasons why I feel old.

1. At work today, my boss was asking me if I know of a software that would synchronize files. I was telling my co-worker that I know we have a utility and for the life of me, I cannot remember the name. I kept on saying that I know it starts with the letter S. I finally find the utility and the name is Filesync. Yeah, sure.. Starts with an S. My memory is going down the drain...

2. I'm beginning to listen to classical music and showtunes. I realize this may not be a valid reason why I feel old, but... I used to hate listening to classical music. Whenever my mom would listen to classical music, I would cringe and tell her that it's "old people's" music. Showtunes, umm... I love showtunes. It may not be part of the getting old part but instead it's the old caucasian gay guy inside me. LOL! I'll write to explain this part one of these days.

3. I was chatting with the ladies from the Judith McNaught bulletin board tonight. Several ladies were asking if there were members who had myspace profiles. I said I had one and I plan to use it mostly for blogging. I could've used friendster where most of my friends are however it's too slow and I'm too lazy to install a full pledged blogging site on my own web server at home (one of these days when I don't feel lazy, I will do it). So, I got 2 invites from my JMBB friends and they're in their early 20's! Doh!

4. I get achey now! ARRGGHHH! This is the part I hate the most. Whenever I do any physical stuff, I get all achey and my back hurts. I'm starting to degenerate.

5. I don't seem to need as much sleep as I used to. I read somewhere that the older you get, the lesser sleep you need. Except on weekends...

I have finally found a very valid reason to start blogging. Since my brain cells are starting to die on me, this would remind me one of these days of the things that I've done and what I was thinking. I know, I know. This might bite me back in the ass...

I am mostly in state of denial about my age these days. No, I have not started counting back -- at least not yet. I don't feel like I am 30. I feel like I am 21 (okay, I'm lying. I feel like I am 13... heheheheh...).

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