Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bumming Around

Why oh why do the days pass you by so quickly when you're on vacation? I cannot believe I'm already almost halfway through my vacation. Pleeeeeaaaassseeee, someone slow down the clock. I don't want to go back to work yet.

So, it's day number 8 of my 19 day vacation. Ever since we came back from LA, I have done absolutely nothing except bum around at home. Hehehehehe.... It feels great being able to say that.

I have tons of books in my to be read pile but I've only read one book so far. The Promise by Harlan Coben. It's a pretty good book. He sure knows how to keep you on the edge until the very end of the book. It's another one of those page turner books. I've started reading Deal Breaker still by Harlan Coben but I'm only into the first chapter of the book. I think I need to go to the bookstore and get one of those lovey dovey chick lit books that I dearly love.

I have about 6 weeks worth of Grey's Anatomy in my DVR. I've gone through several episodes but I still have about 2 more episodes to go. One of them is the season finale. It's been a pretty decent season so far.

Finally 24 season 6 is over. Well, this is the worst season. What can I say, 24 just sucked this year. It's a shame because season 5 was one of the best seasons that they had.

Aside from sleeping in till noon, I've been playing Puzzle Pirates. Check it out when you get a chance. My nick there is pretty obvious. It's an Ilonggo phrase which really is meant as a joke. :) I love the fact that I just need a mouse and sometimes 3 keys to play this game. Doesn't need a whole lot of thinking either so it's a good way to waste time.

Anyways... 11 more days of lazing around. I love it!


Anonymous said...

Hi Carms,

Good for you, you're getting some break. Any plans for the long weekend? If you're free on Monday, maybe you guys can come over. Just give us a call!

Btw, belated happy Birthday !!!


Carmila said...

Hello Ivs!

Yup, we're free Monday. I'll give you a call this weekend.

