Thursday, May 24, 2007

Biscotti Calories

I just realized after eating the 3rd slice of Goldilocks Biscotti (biscotcho) that I ate in a matter of minutes whatever calories I've burned running for an hour (5 miles)! Yikes!

Oh well... You only get to live once...


Tata said...

I read about the Tony Awards earlier and had to backtrack on your blog to see is you did write something about the "Spring Awakening" which apparently took most of the awards this year. And I was so right hehehe You did have an entry on it hehehe Haaay kelan kaya magkaroon ng show dito sa Davao? :)

Carmila said...

Of course! It's a great show. I've seen almost all the shows this season. Too bad I didn't get to see Curtains though. It would've been good to actually see David Hyde Pierce. Oh well... who knows. I might have to go back to NY again soon.