Friday, March 17, 2006


I'll be doing Bay to Breakers this year (3rd Saturday in May). This race is the biggest street party in San Francisco. People come in different states of dress and undress. Yep, lots of people in costume and some naked people running around. It's almost impossible to run it since there's so many people. I think I clocked at 2:44 last time. It took about an hour just to go through the starting line.

I also signed up for the Disneyland Half Marathon (13 miles) in September. I know, it's crazy. I've never done anything like this in my life. I'm going to be doing it with other DN's from the JMBB.

I'm looking forward to those 2 races. It's going to be such a challenge considering that I am on my butt all the time and my only exercise is walking from the bus terminal to the office and then from the office to the bus terminal. I went a bought a threadmill so that I don't have to run outside in the cold. Yes, I have started training. ;) Can you believe it? I've started doing 3 miles daily. I surely don't want to get picked up by the sweeper and getting transported to the finish line.

Lately, I feel like I am starting to degenerate. I'm aching here, aching there, etc.. etc... I figured if I don't do these things now, I would probably never get a chance to do these kind of things ever. I am doing this for myself. Hey, you'll never know, I might just run a full marathon (26 miles) one of these days.


Tata said...

Running! Now you really had me envious :p :) Before we got married, Bolo and I enjoy teaming up for races and fun runs. We usually participate in every 5K run there is, which is staged 5 to 6 times a year here. And we also have our nightly rounds at the PTA grounds near Apo View. Now, we're down to nothing that is why I'm so envious of your latest "obsession" hehehe Enjoy it though. And it's a good thing you've started training. Do some good stretching before starting anything particularly on the day of the race itself :) Enjoy!

Carmila said...

Lol... Obsession... You're right about that. You know me so well! hehehe...

I am looking forward to it. I've picked up a treadmill and have started training.

My goal is to actually finish the race without getting picked up by the sweeper.

Hey, you can still walk. Go push the stroller around the track. ;)

Tata said...

Hahaha stroller indeed! :p i just might do that one of these days though hehehe

Carmila said...

That I really gotta see! :)