Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I hate flying on planes. I realize that unless I learn how to levitate or grow wings or mutate into a superhero who knows how to fly, I will need to get on a plane to fly across the country.

I used to look forward getting on an airplane when I was younger. It didn’t happen often and I sort of viewed it as an experience plus not everyone at the place I grew up in even had the chance to ride on a plane. Plane tickets were too expensive (not that they’re any cheaper now).

I’m just not as thrilled now as I used to be. I guess when you keep on doing something regularly, the novelty wears off. It turns out to be a boring, tedious thing that I have to go through to get from here to there and from there to here. I can’t remember how many times I’ve been on a plane this year and I think I’ll be on a couple more flights before the end of the year the way things are going right now.

I really hate take offs, landings, and whenever the plane hits turbulence. My heart goes to my throat at these times. I usually sleep through the take off and if I’m able to, I would love to sleep through the entire flight. Landings are tricky. There’s nothing much I can do except sit through it and hope for the best.

I’m at NY’s JFK Airport right now waiting for my flight home. I can’t think of a better way to spend the time than to blog. (re: I AM SO BORED!). In about an hour and a half, I’m getting on a plane for a boring 6 hour trip home.

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